Editorial Board​

Professor, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Philosophical Alternatives
Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Deparment of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising
Field of research interest: philosophy, ethics, public communication, social theories
Major publications:
• BG Михайлов, Н. (2018). Етика и комуникации. София: Мейкър Артс. [Mihaylov, N. (2018). Ethics and Communications. Sofia: Maker Arts.]
• Mihaylov, N. (Ed.). (2020). Communication Management: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century. (Symposium). Sofia: ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ University Publishing House.
• BG Михайлов, Н. (2021). Мишел Фуко, паресията и моралната истина. // Философски алтернативи. Бр. 1, с. 11–20. [Mihaylov, N. (2021). Michel Foucault, Parrhesia, and Moral Truth. // Philosophical Alternatives. No. 1, pp. 11–20.]
• Mihaylov, N. (Co-author). (2020). Is a Philosophy of Ecology Possible as a Scientific Method? // Философия-Philosophy. Vol. XXIX. Issue 2, pp.132–141.
• BG Михайлов, Н. (2018). PR етиката като професионална етика. // Философски алтернативи. Бр. 2, с. 31–43. [Mihaylov, N. (2018). PR ethics as Professional Ethics. // Philosophical Alternatives. No. 2, pp. 31–43.]
Researcher ID (Web of Science) AAC-7996-2020
ORCID ID 0000-0003-3020-7013
Associate Professor, PhD, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Philosophical Alternatives
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Anthropological Studies Department
Field of research interest: anthropology, semiotics, logic, phenomenology
Major publications:
• BG Личев, В. (2000). Циничното, или играта на власт и удоволствие. София: ЕОН – 2000. 256 страници. [Lichev, V. (2000). The Cynical, or the Game of Power and Pleasure. Sofia: EON— 2000. 256 pages.]
• BG Личев, В. (1994). Хроника на изгубилата се революция. (В съавторство). София: Вузев. 215 страници. [Lichev, V. (1994). Chronicle of the Lost Revolution. (Co-authored). Sofia: Vuzev. 215 pages.]
• Lichev, V. (2017). Political Correctness – between Fiction and Social Reality. In: MDPI Philosophies.
• Lichev, V. (2014). Relativity of time in belles-lettres. In: Time and Temporality in Language and Human Experience. (Ed. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Krzysztof Kosecki). ISBN 978-3-631-64339-6. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, pp. 339–346.
• Lichev, V. (2013). Problem orientated education on the basis of hyper-coded texts (Play and heuristic). In: BCES Conference Books. Volume 11, Theme: International Perspectives on Education. ISBN 987-954-9842-14-2. Publisher: Bureau for Educational Services, pp. 197–202.
Assistant Professor, PhD, Scientific Secretary of Philosophical Alternatives
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Culture, Aesthetics, Values Department
Field of research interest: symbol theories, philosophy of idol
Major publications:
• BG Пенев, Г. (2021). Значение на подобието в естетиката на Лосев и Флоренски. // Визуални изследвания. Бр. 2, с.73–76. [Penev, G. (2021). Significance of Similarity in the Aesthetics of Losev and Florensky. // Visual Studies. No. 2, pp.73—76.]
• BG Пенев, Г. (2020). Понятие за символ у Алексей Лосев. //Философски алтернативи. Бр. 1, с. 57–64. [Penev, G. (2020). The Concept of Symbol in Aleksey Losev. // Philosophical Alternatives. No. 1, pp. 57—64.]
• Penev, G. (2019). Iconic Meaning of Hypostasis. // Journal of Aesthetics and Comparative Literature. Vol. 42. No. 2 (Autumn), pp. 171–178.
• BG Пенев, Г. (2019). Учението за първообраза от „Диалектика на художествената форма“. // Философски алтернативи. Бр. 3, с. 154–160. [Penev, G. (2019). A Concept of Prototype in The Dialectics of Artistic Form. // Philosophical Alternatives. No. 3, pp. 154—160.]
Associate Professor, PhD
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Thematic group of logic at Department of Knowledge and Reality: Models, Methodologies and Heuristics
Field of research interest: philosophical logic, mathematical logic, non-classical logics, logical semantics, philosophy of language, logical paradoxes, epistemology
Major publications:
• BG Ангелова, Д. (2011). Възможните и невъзможните светове в съвременната логика. София: Звезди. 172 страници. [Angelova, D. (2011). Possible and Impossible Worlds in Modern Logic. Sofia: Zvezdi. 172 pages.]
• BG Ангелова, Д. (2010). Логическото следване в релевантната логика. София: Звезди. 134 страници. [Angelova, D. (2010). Logical Following in Relevant Logic. Sofia: Zvezdi. 134 pages.]
• Over 50 articles and studies in scientific periodicals.
Associate Professor, PhD
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Culture, Aesthetics, Values Department
Field of scientific interest: history of aesthetics, modern aesthetics, negative aesthetics, somaesthetics, aesthetics of protomodernism, axiology, ethics, phenomenology, transcendentalism, contemporary philosophy, philosophy of consciousness, philosophy of culture, philosophical and cultural anthropology, social philosophy, classical and neoclassical pragmatism, existential semiotics, philosophy and aesthetics of body
Major publications:
• BG Борисова, С. (2019). Естетика на тишината и мълчанието. София: ИК Гутенберг. 232 страници. [Borissova, S. (2019). Aesthetics of Silence and Taciturnity. Sofia: Gutenberg Publishing House. 232 pages.]
• BG Борисова, С. (2017). Граници на естетическото съзнание. София: Парадигма. 256 страници. [Borissova, S. (2017). Limits of the Aesthetic Consciousness. Sofia: Paradigma. 256 pages.]
• Over 50 publications in Bulgarian and international scientific periodicals.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-8550-2012
Field of research interest: philosophy of politics, international relations, strategic management in the field of national and collective security and economics, comparative analysis of theories and philosophies of public administration, theory and practice, analysis of leadership profiles of politicians and statesmen, tracking trends and development of processes in national and international politics that lead to changes in existing/established state/international structures
Major publications:
• BG Димитрова, А. (2019). Флуктуации на доверието в президентската институция в мандатите до 2017 г. // Философски алтернативи. Бр. 5, с. 68–101. [Dimitrova, A. (2019). Fluctuations in Trust in the Presidential Institution during the Mandates prior to 2017. // Philosophical Alternatives. No. 5, pp. 68—101.]
• BG Димитрова, А. (2019). Президентът – гарант за необратимост на процеса на демократизация на българското общество. // Философски алтернативи. Бр. 4, с. 50–75. [Dimitrova, A. (2019). The President as Guarantor of the Irreversible Democratization of Bulgarian Society. // Philosophical Alternatives. No. 4, pp. 50—75.]
Associate Professor, PhD
Institute of Art Studies—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Screen Arts Department
Field of research interest: history and theory of cinema and audiovisual media, sociology of cinema, studies of film and audiovisual audiences, film policies and funding
Major publications:
• BG Донев, А. (2021). Картографиране на филмовата неопитоменост. София: Институт за изследване на изкуствата – БАН. [Donev, A. (2021). Mapping of Film Untamedness. Sofia: Institute of Art Studies—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.]
• BG Донев, А. (2019). Независимите в киното: от Едисон до „Нетфликс“. София: ФънТези. 306 страници. [Donev, A. (2019). The Independents in Cinema: From Edison to Netflix. Sofia: FunTezi. 306 pages.]
• BG Донев, А. (2018). Помощ от публиката: българските игрални филми от началото на XXI век и техните зрители в кината. София: ФънТези. 296 страници. [Donev, A. (2018). Help from the Audience: Bulgarian Feature Films from the Beginning of the 21st century and Their Viewers in Cinemas. Sofia: FunTezi. 296 pages.]
Associate Professor, PhD
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ontology and Epistemology Department
Field of research interest: transcendental metaphysics, hermeneutics, ontology, theory of literature, semiotics
Major publications:
• BG Енчев, К. (2019/2009). От интенционалност към интензионалност. Логическият път на виртуалисткия трансцендентализъм. (Второ, преработено и допълнено издание). София: Скрибенс. 160 страници. [Enchev, K. (2019/2009). From Intentionality to Intensionality. The Logical Path of Virtualist Transcendentalism. (Second, revised and supplemented edition). Sofia: Scribens. 160 pages.]
• BG Енчев, К. (2010). Логика и социални критически онтологии. София: ИК „Св. Иван Рилски“. 120 страници. [Enchev, K. (2010). Logic and Social Critical Ontologies. Sofia: St. Ivan Rilski Publishing House. 120 pages.]
Professor, PhD
Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Logic, Ethics and Aesthetics
Field of research interest: philosophical logic in the continental tradition, applied logic, philosophy of medicine, philosophy of culture
Major publications:
• BG Гънгов,А. (2021/2009/2006/2004). Логика на измамата. София: Авангард Прима. 176 страници. [Gungov, A. (2021/2009/2006/2004). Logic of Deception. Sofia: Avangard Prima. 176 pages.]
• Gungov, А. (2018). Patient Safety: The Relevance of Logic in Medical Care. Stuttgart: ibidem Verlag. 120 pages.
• BG Гънгов, А. (2013/2012). Логиката в медицината. София: Авангард Прима. 238 страници. [Gungov, A. (2013/2012). Logic in Medicine. Sofia: Avangard Prima. 238 pages.]
Professor, DSc, Associate Member of IPhS—BAS
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Culture, Aesthetics, Values Department
Field of research interest: aesthetics, axiology, philosophy of culture, history of aesthetics, culture, theory and history of art, aesthetic perspectives on values and evaluations, psychology of art, the ethical and the aesthetic, humanities, problems of the human, philosophical anthropology, knowledge—values relation, aesthetic perspectives on literature, problems and directions in literature from the beginning of the 20th century, etc.
Major publications:
• BG Стъпова, И. (2008). Художественото произведение между твореца и публиката. Велико Търново: Фабер. 176 страници. [Stapova, I. (2008). The Work of Art between the Artist and the Audience. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber. 176 pages.]
• BG Стъпова, И. (2007). Идеята за двойника. Велико Търново: Фабер. 295 страници. [Stapova, I. (2007). The Idea of the Double. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber. 295 pages.]
• BG Стъпова, И. (1996). Художествените ценности на кръстопътя на идеите. София: АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов“. 112 страници. [Stapova, I. (1996). Artistic Values at the Crossroad of Ideas. Sofia: ‘Prof. Marin Drinov’ Academic Publishing House. 112 pages.]
• BG Стъпова, И. (2016). Двойникът и неговият човек: цената. // Човекът за продан. (Сборник). София: АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 57–112. [Stapova, I. (2016). The Double and His Man: The Price. // The ‘For Sale’ Man. (Collection). Sofia: ‘Prof. Marin Drinov’ Academic Publishing House, pp. 57—112.]
• BG Стъпова, И. (2008). Трансформациите на двойника. // Ракурси към естетическото. (Студии). Съст. Соня Кънева. София: Тих-Ивел, с. 1–98. [Stapova, I. (2008). The Transformations of the Double. // Foreshortenings to the Aesthetic. (Studies). Ed. Sonya Kaneva. Sofia: Tih-Ivel, pp. 1—98.]
• BG Стъпова, И. (2013). Злото с маската на двойника. // Философски студии. Сборник. Съставители: Алекси Апостолов, Елена Петрова, Татяна Батулева. София: ИК „Св. Иван Рилски“, с. 66–83. [Stapova, I. (2013). Evil in the Mask of the Double. // Philosophical Studies. Collection. Compilers: Alexi Apostolov, Elena Petrova, Tatyana Batuleva. Sofia: ‘St. Ivan Rilski’ Publishing House, pp. 66—83.]
• BG Стъпова, И. (2005). Другият в мен. Идеята за двойника при Оскар Уайлд. // Раздвоеният човек. (Сборник студии и есета). Велико Търново: Фабер, с. 46–73. [Stapova, I. (2005). The Other in Me. The Idea of the Double in Oscar Wilde. // The Split Man. (Collection of studies and essays). Veliko Tarnovo: Faber, pp. 46—73.]
• Numerous monographs, studies and articles on aesthetics, axiology, philosophy of culture.
Associate Professor, DSc
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology—Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ethical Studies Department
Field of scientific interest: bioethics and biolaw, property law, environmental ethics, ethics of life, ethics and technology
Major publications:
• BG Ставру, С. (2021). Моралните измерения на собствеността (Към обосноваването на една „проприетарна“ екология). София: АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов“. 488 страници. [Stavru, S. (2021). The Moral Dimensions of Property (Towards the Justification of a ‘Proprietary’ ecology). Sofia: ‘Prof. Marin Drinov’ Academic Publishing House. 488 pages.]
• BG Ставру, С. (2020). Вещи в природно състояние: собственост и отговорност за вреди в контекста на чл. 50 ЗЗД. София: Сиела. 320 страници. [Stavru, S. (2020). Property in Natural State: Property and Liability for Damages in the Context of Art. 50 Obligations and Contracts Act. Sofia: Ciela. 320 pages.]
• BG Ставру, С. (2016). Човешкото тяло между въплътеността и конвенцията. Съвременни перспективи. София: Сиела. 352 страници. [Stavru, S. (2016). The Human Body between Incarnation and Convention. Contemporary Perspectives. Sofia: Ciela. 352 pages.]
• BG Ставру, С. (2016). Недееспособността на физическите лица. Съвременни предизвикателства. София: Нова звезда. 238 страници. [Stavru, S. (2016). The Incapacity of Individuals. Contemporary Challenges. Sofia: Nova Zvezda. 238 pages.]
• BG Ставру, С. (2016). Правото в нови територии. Правни и етични предизвикателства в ерата на свръхтехнологиите. Разговори с Ирина Недева. София: Нова звезда. 116 страници. [Stavru, S. (2016). The Law in New Territories. Legal and Ethical Challenges in the Age of High Technology. Conversations with Irina Nedeva. Sofia: Nova Zvezda. 116 pages.]